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Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Macaroni & Cheese

I know what you're thinking: "Awesome! She's tried a new homemade recipe for this classic!" or, "Sweet! She's going to share a tried-and-true recipe for this classic!"


This may disappoint some, but there are meals where you just don't feel like cooking. For me, there are whole days! Don't feel guilty - I never do! That just means you need to whip out...

Yes. The boxed kind. Haha. This is my blog! I can do what I want!

I have always been a boxed Mac 'n Cheese lover, and I'm kinda picky. I've always loved Kraft, but it's kinda expensive! Over the years, I've tried all sorts of off-brands and on-brands and whatever-brands and I stuck with Kraft because all the other boxed kinds still had an almost powdery texture when all was said and done.

Until I tried the Betty Crocker version. Guys, this stuff is seriously tasty, and I believe it's better than the Kraft. When I first tried this brand, it was even better because you only had to dirty the sauce pan you made it in - no draining! They have since made the preparation more like the Kraft version, which really is a shame, but it still tastes good.

And the best parts? 1. It's super-easy for those days where chopping/cooking/baking/sauteing anything just sounds awful. 2. It's a lot cheaper than the Kraft brand. Last time I bought it, it was 88¢. 3. I have two little boys, and at least one of them will eat it! Hey! That is success in my book.

(And now you're wondering what little kid doesn't like mac 'n cheese. I have no idea how my love of mac 'n cheese didn't get passed on, but it didn't.*shrug*)

So next time you don't want to make anything energy consuming/you have to feed a picky kid/you need to save some money, grab the Betty Crocker Mac 'n Cheese. You'll see what I'm talking about!

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